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[세미나/포럼] [2014.11.28.금]2014-2학기 제6회 수학과 colloquium 일정

  • 세미나/포럼
  • 교내
  • 정윤희
  • 2014-11-24

2014-2학기 제5회 수학과 colloquium 일정을 안내해 드립니다.


[2014학년도 2학기 제6회 수학과 Colloquium]


강연제목 : Proper holomorphic maps between bounded symmetric domains

연      김성연 교수 [강원대학교]

일       : 11월 28일(금요일) 오후 4:30-5:30

장      소 : 팔달관 621

강연초록 : Classification of proper holomorphicmaps between bounded symmetric domains is deeply related to the study of locally symmetric spaces. In this talk, we consider rigidity problem of proper holomorphic maps between bounded symmetric domains and related problems in locally symmetric spaces. Then we give an introduction to differential geometric techniques on rigidity problems, based on the similar phenomenon for local CR maps between arbitrary boundary components of two bounded symmetric domains of Cartan type I.


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